“You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.” ~ Robin Williams
Let me introduce myself: My name is Krystle Byrd. I am a writer, author, editor, freelancer, mother of three, photographer, wife, bookworm, entrepreneur, habitual doodler and a completely random weirdo. Oh yes, I also suffer from depression, anxiety, sarcasm, cynicism and a giant case of foot in mouth syndrome. But I’ll let you in on a little unknown secret… I’M STILL PUSHING ON! 😛
For approximately four years now, I’ve been silently struggling with my recently diagnosed autoimmune illness, Multiple Sclerosis. This blog will be about the ways this weird neuropathic condition has impacted my day to day life. I will be posting Mondays and Fridays, but don’t crucify me if I forget. Please check out my blog!
I’m waiting for my new neurologist in Dallas to call me for an appointment, but until then, I will just carry on as normal. These past four years or so have been really hard on me and my family emotionally, physically (mostly me) and financially. This blog will be an honest inclusion of the day to day things that interest me.
I will be posting as often as I possibly can. I also write on wattpad and will be starting youtube videos here soon. If you would like to follow me on social media, here are all of my links:
Tik Tok
Thank you for checking out my blog! It means a lot! Please don’t hesitate to leave comments, share, ask questions or follow me on any of my social media. Love you all!